Interview 362 with Lonny Averill

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Lonny Averill was born in Saskatchewan and moved to Alberta at the age of 4. Large farming family in the Innisfail area. I took over the PMU, pregnant mares urine, operation in the early 90’s and was so to say my first encounters with Pharma. PMU disappeared from Alberta in 2000, and I went into a self destruction phase for a time as I felt my sense of purpose disappear. Shortly after I became involved with a structured water technology that has been kept from the western world for 50+ years. I learned early on that our government, health officials and scientists would do everything they could to see this technology not come to light by demanding huge funding and 10-15 years of research to tie up the technology. I have been forced to be silent for a long time and will no longer. 15 years ago I cofounded a company and extensive research continued. I had already 7 years of research with this technology. When co vid was declared the doors to this company were forced closed by our government and health officials that would be enforced with serious fines and guaranteed jail time. I believe that I have been in Gods plan for a long time and patience and tolerance are the greatest lessons He taught me and now is the time to speak out. N IH and NI AID declare this technology on their own websites, safe for humans and animals and it is time to have them stand up with this and begin to help bi oweapon injured people. I will not hold my breath on this one and will continue to do what I can to share as much info as I can. I give God the glory in all I have learned and the connections with amazing people in my journey.

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