Pro Hart and Ants

2 years ago

The Pro Hart Gallery is one of the most popular tourist attractions in the outback town of Broken Hill. It’s chock full of his paintings and artwork. This painting of a dragonfly is one of his most well-known and famous pieces.

It’s interesting how Pro came to paint the image of a dragonfly. He was watching ants going about their work. He saw them busily working on a dead dragonfly and carrying it bit by bit to their nest.

So it was the ants that first captured his attention and interest, which he connected to the wisdom found in the Bible book of Proverbs "Go to the ant, you sluggard! Consider her ways and be wise," - Proverbs 6:6 (NKJV) We can learn a lot from nature and ants.

Here are some essential characteristics of the ants:

Point #1: Ants are diligent and hardworking. They can teach us the value of hard work. Ants are never lazy. Laziness only encourages us to procrastinate and become apathetic. Ants aren’t poor or hungry, either. They are continually working. If we strive to be diligent and work hard, our lives will also be physically, spiritually and financially blessed.

Point #2: Ants have a can-do attitude. They are self-motivated. Their small size and location on the ground do not limit them. They make no excuses and continue with the business of getting things done together. They are disciplined self-starters and work for the common good.

Point #3: Ants have excellent strategic planning, precision and organisation skills. Ants can teach us the necessary planning ahead. They store their food during seasons of plenty to have adequate amounts in the lean times.

Point #4: Ants are the master of teamwork and unity. Ants know that they can accomplish more by working together than alone. They set goals and work together to achieve them.

Ants are inspirational; we can learn a lot from them, as the Bible suggests. If you would like to know more about the Bible, its wisdom and the good news it contains, then I’d like to recommend the free gift we have for you today. It’s the Bible Reading Guide. Just go to our website or scan the QR code on the screen to request your free Bible Reading Guide now.

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The Incredible Journey is a donor-funded ministry passionate about communicating our bold vision of sharing the good news of Christ and preparing people for the soon coming of Jesus.
We are devoted to giving Biblical answers to life’s questions through television, the Internet, social media, Bible Centre, evangelistic ministry and Christian living and faith-sharing resources.

Gary Kent is the speaker for The Incredible Journey media ministry. He holds a B.A. in Theology, M.A. in Ancient History & Archaeology, and M. in Divinity. He is an archaeologist who has excavated numerous sites throughout Israel and Jordan. As an internationally-acclaimed speaker and TV presenter, he has spoken and produced numerous documentaries on subjects including the Bible, Bible prophecy, world events and natural health. His passion is to share the good news of Jesus’ imminent return.


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