Why is Canada rich despite being free from England? __

2 years ago

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Why is Canada rich when independent from the UK?
Hello friends. Canada, whose capital is Ottawa, is the second largest country in the world by area, with 9,985,000 square kilometers. Most of the northern part of this country, is desolate, uninhabited. Because of the snow cover and the temperature is too cold. The current population is about 37.8 million, concentrated mainly near the border with the United States, stretching 7000 km from the Atlantic coast to the Pacific Ocean.
It is the longest land border in the world. And if you include the area adjacent to Alaska of the United States, the total length will be 8,890 km. Like Australia, Canada was originally an "unknown" land on the world map, it was inhabited only by indigenous people. Around the 1000s, a small number of Vikings from Iceland settled here in Labrador and the island of Newfoundland.
Next, in 1497, the Italian-British John Cabot discovered the island of Newfoundland or Cape Breton. He proceeded to map the east coast of Canada, and claimed to have found new land for England. In 1534, Jacques Cartier - French explorer also set foot here. And he announced the discovery of new land to King Francis 1, of France.
He was the first to use the word Canada, which is synonymous with the indigenous word kanata. Meaning village or settlement. In 1550, the name Canada began to appear on European maps. Then the British ruled the colony, along the Atlantic coast. The French ruled the New France region, which stretches from Hudson Bay to the Gulf of Mexico.
In the 1700s, France and Britain fought for control of North America. In the battle of 1759, the British defeated the French, in the battle of the Plains of Abraham, at the city of Quebec. It marked the end of the French empire in North America. Thanks to trade and resource extraction in Canada, settlers from Great Britain and several other European countries quickly became rich.
And of course, they claim autonomy over the land they have built. In 1867, with the consent of Great Britain, the Federation of Canada was established. It was called the “Dominion of Canada,” a semi-independent polity. That is, there is a certain amount of autonomy. In 1931, through the Westminster Act, the United Kingdom granted Canada independence, with full legislative power.
But that must not be in conflict with UK law. Rather, it remains a dependent country, a member of the British Commonwealth. Headed by the King of Great Britain. In 1982, the Canada Act was enacted. It's like a declaration: from now on, Canada is no longer dependent on the UK.
They have independence, autonomy, can change the Constitution on their own, without the consent of the UK. Just now, is a quick summary of the formation of the nation of Canada. Now, we will go to find out, exactly what power does the Queen of England have over Canada toda

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