Expert Advice: Dr. Mark Sherwood on American Farming, GMOs, and SUING for vaccine death

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Dr. Mark Sherwood Speaks DIRECTLY to the men of Warrior | MBS ( in our expert advice channel about the American Food & Farming industry, Men's Health, What Jesus Ate, Big Pharma, mRNA jabs, and the REAL reason its nearly impossible to sue for dying from the vax. #diedsuddenly

See time stamps below. Join us at Warrior MBS here:

Dr. Mark Sherwood owns a successful medical practice, the Functional Medical Institute; also a television and radio program; as well as, provide resources, including their Amazon bestseller, The Quest for Wellness, nutrition plans, fitness instructional videos, and helpful mental and emotional steps to provide relief from stress and to help people form better habits so they can live well.

Time Stamps:

0:00 - 4:00: How your Metabolism and Genetics will affect your results.

4:00: A more important goal than weight loss.

7:03: Why American Bread and most grains are not recommended during Warrior| MBS

11:30: What about non-GMO, organics, and ancient grains like Jesus ate?

15:30: In a post Covid (sudden adult death syndrome) world, how should we think about the Medical Establishment? Are MDs trapped?

21:00: People are angry about the way mRNA shots were foisted upon them, how can we stop this from happening again?

24:45: Who can you sue if a family member dies from the jab? Is anyone liable?

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