1 Hr Chakra night time meditation for stress relief, best sleep

1 year ago

I meditate every night. Meditation has changed everything in my life and I simply wouldn't be the same without it. I suffer from anxiety, depression, and chronic pain and I'm much happier when I have time to myself to just breathe and clear my mind. While awake we're constantly bombarded with thoughts and external sources of distraction and noise but when we go to sleep our minds are left unchecked by actual noise of the world, so all the thoughts that kept us up nights come out. It's scary at first but as we come to terms with our fears and negative self talk we slowly begin to realize that all of these bad thoughts are just that- thoughts. These are not truths about ourselves. As we pay attention when these thoughts arise, eventually they get quieter. Listening to meditation music is also incredibly healing for me emotionally, physically, spiritually.

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