Miranda Devine - Twitter’s Election Interference !!!, 3966

1 year ago

Good afternoon. I’m Still reporting on the coup.

Well, we are finally back up on the air after our longest outage in many years. We’ve moved to a new and better location and finally have a studio big enough to allow a lot more freedom going forward. So here we go.

Australian writer/journalist Miranda Divine appeared on Fox & Friends on Saturday morning to talk about Elon Musk’s release of damning internal Twitter files:

[insert from: “… Elon Musk, basically…. To”….I can’t find them.”]

I started out as a reporter in 1973, reading news on WGTB, the radio station of Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. Georgetown was, even then, the center of leftist thought in D.C. I think I was the only conservative in that station.

I started on YouTube when it was only 5 months old, in July of 2006. Over the course of the next 15 years, I was one of their most prolific influencers, with over 4,000 video reports posted. That’s an important chunk of American history captured in my near daily reports. That chunk of history was erased by the capricious flick of the Delete key about 15 months ago. And with that collection went my contact with the vast majority of my audience of over 177,000 subscribers – many of whom still don’t know where I went or why.

When Goggle bought YouTube in Nov. 2006, my first documentary, The Money Masters, already had 40 million views on YouTube, but Google didn’t like the content, so they reset the clock on The Money Masters, back to zero. Funny thing is, the monetization of all those hits went to someone else because it took me another 7 or 8 years to realize that you could actually make money from YouTube. So someone got the payout for all those views.

The reason for my ejection from YouTube was for the sin of doing a report on a World Health Organization press release saying that their policy had recently changed to not supporting vaxxes for children – something the government is still pushing hard for even today in the face of overwhelming evidence that by far these vaxxes have the potential to do much more harm than good.

A recent study showed that American parents have voted with their feet. Only 5% of the target audience has dragged their children in to get vaxxed.

I’m well known for immediately retracting any erroneous material from any of my reporting and apologizing for the error when warranted. I learned that lesson the hard way, early on in my newspaper career. Admitting errors doesn’t hurt your credibility – it actually enhances it! Everyone knows that everyone makes errors, but it’s rare to see someone who will admit it, then simply move on.

However, nothing Beth and I have ever written or said in our reporting on health & medicine has warranted a retraction as far as I remember. That’s a pretty good record for writing on medical topics laced with words of over 10 characters in length.

Reporting on the coup has been a good bit more difficult because of the myriads of fake information deliberately created and disseminated through various media outlets, including Facebook. Miranda blasted Facebook as well on Fox over the weekend.

[insert from: “It’s the same with Facebook.” To: “… in groupthink.”]

Once again, FoxNews was established in 1996 as a Republican-centered alternative to CNN. Fox hasn’t been perfect in their news coverage – early-call in Arizona in election 2000 – but until NewsMax and On America News came along, Fox has carried the banner for any semblance of fair news coverage among cable TV and the big network news outfits.

[insert from: “… and he wants Twitter….” To: “… to compete….”]

Agreed, but it’s only worked in the network and cable space with the advent of NewsMax and OAN to a small degree because they are just not big enough to smack a hole in the massive censorship wall that the mostly left-leaning deep state has built over the last 40 years of television history.

[Insert from: “… I think that’s a brilliant idea.” To: “… annoy them too much.”

She is talking about government exposure first and foremost in the domain of rocketry, where SpaceX has led the way in creating reliable, reusable launch vehicles. But Elon also has regulatory exposure to Tesla as well.

[insert from: “… but if he’s genuine….” To: “…

I’m still reporting from just outside the citadel of world freedom. And the next time you see me, I’ll have a haircut. Good day.

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