One Coin Per Hour as Human Right - Technical, Potkaars English #3

2 years ago

After talking about why people should push to add a new human right - next to the other human rights that are currently under a massive attack - namely the human right to participate equally in the creation of money, Rico Brouwer asks Teun van Sambeek to "go under the hood" of the 1CoinH application.

Teun explains why 1CoinH is not a cryptocurrency, doesn't use encryption, and is still able to create a secure system, based on "hashing" and the judgement of your peers.

This podcast attempts to be a "1CoinH for Dummies" recording. If you are interested what the technical basics are of this revolutionary new concept, but are no coder, or you are a coder and want to get up to speed with our technical approach, this podcast/Potkaars is for you!

Have fun watching and listening!

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