Moe Natura - "Well, as I was saying earlier, we're creatures of thought, so the why makes a whole...

2 years ago

Well, as I said earlier, we're creatures of thought, so the why makes a lot of difference for us. But why is a tricky question because you can always ask why about whatever given answer? Why are things the way they are? Well, because of this and this, why is that? Why? It is the question that takes you deeper. So many people are not a big fan of why and don't encourage it reasonably because there isn't always an answer about every single topic, at least with everyone. For me, the why has been a big part of my life so far, and I'm okay with saying I don't know, but that doesn't mean I will stop asking why. And yeah, it's like, why not have the question, the why question that I have in mind while simultaneously working on whatever issues I seem to have, you know, I can hold both simultaneously. I can look for why something happened while simultaneously fixing what happened. Because I believe you can't deal appropriately with anything unless you understand it first.

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