10-20C: The Lighted Pathway

1 year ago

10-20C: The Lighted Pathway

Human mental activity includes from the lowest to highest ranges: from Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta to Gamma brain waves. Higher vibrations beyond the Theta dream state of fourth dimensional psychic consciousness allows the Human Light Body to manifest multi-dimensionally which activates physical centers of the brain in order to experience and utilize the information available in the higher dimensions. Humans operate multi-dimensionally using abilities such as intuition, telepathy, remote viewing, clairvoyance, remembrance, channeling, telekinesis and direct insight. They can experience the past, future and leave their body and travel while being grounded in the Third Dimension.

Human consciousness has surpassed the Third Dimensional barriers to achieve states of quantum brain function and higher Fifth Dimensional Light integration. The phenomenon of evolutionary neurobiological transformation focuses upon some underlying constants that permeate existence which are light, growth and intelligence. In counterpoint to these the Black Alliance represents the resisting force of inertia and ignorance. Evolutionary breakthroughs are natural occurrences which happen in due course because of the foregoing factors and in alignment with the design of the expanding universe.

As the Game of the Golden Ring continues there are those who are aware of the fundamentals of the enlightenment which precede its fulfillment. This process is to awaken and assimilate liquid golden Light into the neurobiological apparatus of human beings on an every level increasing in continuity. The Third Dimensional mental resistance to the acceptance of Higher Light into the neurological systems of the body as an injection of universal spiritual intelligence is a continuing hindrance. The level of the hindrance is indicated by the lower emotional fields which are produced by fear, anger, greed, lust, and a sense of separation which causes these gross emotions to be produced.

Withstanding the barrage of attacks from the broadcast frequencies of the Black Alliance defense systems - the media and educational systems and so on, takes knowledge and assistance from the Wayshowers and Teachers of Light. The Earth is upon the threshold of global Oneness and enlightenment. There are hundreds of millions of humans seeking a better way of life and they believe the truth will come forth. The reason for this is that there is a biochemical transformation which is being induced in humans not unlike photosynthesis in plants. There is a Higher Light stream which is a high energy cosmic radiation which the earth has entered into. It is directly affecting the brain through activating dormant, latent, weak centers within the brain. The body is in itself and through out the entire life structure receiving new codes which are opening up the introns within DNA which has laid dormant for hundreds of centuries and many that are new formations of human potential that have never been activated.

The grand human experiment conducted by the universe has reached a new level. The resisting forces of the Black Alliance and the Dark Masters have failed in their attempts to keep the truth from coming forth. They will lose control and the awakening and Oneness of humanity will proceed. The Game continues and the breakthrough by the Wayshowers is achieved when the choice at the threshold is made. You have looked down the Dark Road and chosen the Lighted Pathway. Your way is cleared as you release and let go and flow with the stream of Golden Light.

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