Eagle Grips' NEW ReaKtiv Checkered Kirinite® Grips for SA Sixguns and 1911 Pistols

2 years ago

Exclusively on Video!

Boge Quinn (https://gunblast.com/) tests the NEW ReaKtiv Checkered Grips from Eagle Grips.

Eagle Grips: https://www.eaglegrips.com/

Ruger Lightweight Commander 45: https://ruger.com/products/sr1911CommanderStyle/specSheets/6711.html

Rock Island Armory GI Standard FS Nickel 45 ACP 1911 Pistol: https://www.armscor.com/firearms-list/gi-standard-fs-nickel-45acp-8rd

Gunsite Pro Shop: https://www.gunsitestore.com/

Order Ammo Online at Lucky Gunner: https://www.luckygunner.com/

Double Tap Ammo: https://doubletapammo.com/

Armscor Ammo: https://www.armscor.com/

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