Aftershock Jet Fire Truck Snowbird Nationals Bradenton Florida Dec. 3 2022 #aftershock #railfanrob

2 years ago

Hello everyone!! RailFan Rob here with another video for you but a little off topic from my usual. Hope you enjoy this...

Check out AFTERSHOCK Jet Fire Truck at The Snowbird Outlaw Nationals 2022 Bradenton Florida December 3 2022...Stay Tuned for more footage from this event!!!

Thanks for watching and sticking with me as I navigate this big move from Pa. to Fla. It's taking me longer than expected to get back up to speed but I'm slowly getting there - RailFan Rob Mosley

#railfanrobmosley #robmosley #robertmosley #ram #ram1 #jetcar #jettruck #jetfire #jetfiretruck #firetruck #bradentonmotorsportspark #bradentonflorida #dragracing #racing #snowbirdnationals #aftershockjetfiretruck #darnellracing #marksmith

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