Shop Tour of Coventry Woodworks

9 years ago

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Coventry Woodworks -
We have had many, many requests for more shop tours and so for everyone who asked, here the latest shop tour ... which ... might be the "dream shop" for many of us .... check it out.
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It's always fun to visit other woodworkers shop to see what tools they use, how they use them and what sorts of builds and woodworking projects they are working on. In this video we spend a morning touring the Coventry Woodworks shop with Karen Trickett and Cam Russell. The tour could have easily produced a couple hour video but we have had to tighten it down to 12 minutes or so but you will easily get the sense of what is going on in this amazing woodworking shop. We also spend a bit of time looking at the woodworking projects they have done and are working on and we expect to come back in the future for more details video on builds, jigs and woodworking how-to information.

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