How To Make a Table Saw Jig for Tapered Legs

9 years ago

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Table Saw Jigs are useful for many things, in this video we make one that will not only cut tapered legs, but will also trim of curved boards and live edge or rough edges to give nice clean, straight edge to work from.

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One of the most fascinating things in woodworking is all the different jigs that can be made. I have seen people who make some extraordinary jigs, and sometimes they are for a single use. The reason they need to make them is because it is either faster to make some sort of a jig that then can be used with a power tool, or it's safer to use a jig than trying to hand hold something. Of course the ideal woodworking jigs are those that are simple and can be used over and over again, which just happens to be the category of the jig that we are making in this video. Our jig will have 2 uses, making tapered legs for tables, and it can also be used for trimming rough or curved boards so that they can be safely used on the jointer or even the table saw. It doesn't take too long to make this jig and based on the fact it can be used for more than one thing, it's a great addition to any workshop.

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