Prayer and Worship in Spirit and Truth... Development of Worship Forms ❤️ The Third Testament Chapter 17-1/12

2 years ago

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Prayer & Worship in Spirit and in Truth
The Development of Worship

The Third Testament Chapter 17-1 – Revelations of Jesus Christ

Thus saith the Lord…
1. How slowly mankind walks toward perfection in their worship of God.

2. Every time I come to you with a new lesson, it seems to you too advanced for your development; understand that I give you an entire Era to come to understand it and to integrate it into your lives.

3. “The animal sacrifices that you offered upon the altar of Jehovah were received by Him, but it was not the most adequate form to elevate your spirit to the Father; it was then when I came to you as Jesus to teach you the Divine commandment which says to you: Love one another.

4. I say to you today that the lessons I taught you during the Second Era through the deeds of Jesus have been altered at times and misinterpreted on others; for that purpose I have come as I announced, to clarify My truth. My sacrifice in that period prevented the sacrifice of many animals and I taught you a more perfect worship.

5. My new manifestation of this period will allow mankind to understand that the symbolic forms should not be adopted without first analyzing their significance, since they are only a representation of My lessons.

6. Prayer is the spiritual medium that I have inspired in man so that He may communicate with My Divinity, that is why it manifests in you as a yearning, a necessity of the spirit, as a refuge in times of trial.

7. Whoever does not know true prayer, does not understand the joys contained in it, and does not know the source of health and goodness to be found in it. They feel the impulse to speak to Me and present their petitions, but lacking spirituality, they feel that the offering of sending up only their thoughts is so meager that they instantly look for something material to offer Me, thinking that with that they will flatter Me more.

8. In this way have men fallen into idolatry, fanaticism, rites, and external worship, drowning their spirits and depriving themselves of the blessed liberty of praying directly to their Father. Only when the pain is incredibly intense and reaches the limits of human strength, does the spirit, forgetting ceremony and knocking over idols, free itself and arise to shout from deep within: “My Father, My God!”

9. Do you see how entire nations are occupied waging war upon one another during this materialistic time? Yet, I tell you, even in the middle of these wars, many men have found the secret of prayer: A prayer born of the heart, coming to Me as an urgent call, a protest, a plea.

10. And then, when they experienced the requested miracle, they knew that there exists no other way to speak to God than with the language of the spirit.

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