Ethnic minority doctors are racially abused & victimised by the GMC & NHS.

2 years ago

General medical council is is biased , racist and discriminatory organisation treating ethnic minority doctors differently than their white counterparts. I was dismissed and humiliated by the North Manchester hospital Trust on 22/4/2020 for holding an opinion on novel corona virus, lockdown and expected mandatory vaccination to public without consent in Feb-March 2020 which was not a crime. I had no clinical or patient treated , ethical, physics or mental health issue to justify such a draconian action by the medical director of the Trust ( Mr Jonathan Moise) .

Followed by suspension by the GMC on 01/06/2020 on a brief Skype hearing by the Interim order tribunal of the GMC with alleged 3 online complaints of holding my opinion on the corona virus. My suspension order was extended for another 12 months by the GMC on 26/04/2021 and then for 6 more months by the MPTS ( branch of the GMC ) not independent . I am still suspended which caused serious problem to my reputation, loss of job, income , damage to my brilliant reputation while working for 35 years , loss of income, psychological trauma to my family and 3 little children and damage to their education & wellbeing.

1. Contrary to that my white counterparts Dr Steve James Consultant Aneasthetist from Kings College London challenged Health Secretary Sajid Javid during his visit to the Hospital against the mandatory vaccination to the health professionals during working in A/ E . He refused to take any vaccine and refused vaccination . He is still working without being vaccinated but no action was taken against him by his Trust , NHS or GMC. He is working without any dismissal suspension. Why he has been treated differently than myself ? What category of the misconduct, misinformation, and what message went to the public with his statement? Why the same law GMC and NHS applies differently against foctirs belonging to ethnic minority? Is it not discriminatory, racially motivated and abused in my case ??

2. Similarly Dr Hilary Jones GP london who comes in (Good morning Britain ) generated 4000 complaints by members of the public in 48-72 hours regarding his false statement, misinformation and misconduct for vaccinated patients in London Hospital . His statement was totally false and ludicrous regarding number of vaccinated patients in London hospitals . What action was taken against him by the Ofcom, NHS, GMC or Trust against him ? Answer is Non but why ? He is still coming on the same show . He is working without any dismissal ,or suspension. Why he has been treated differently than myself and other doctors from ethnic minority ? Is this not racial abuse, discriminatory and abusive by the GMC and NHS ?

3. Dr Tess Lawrie , she tried to promote IVERMECTIN , this is a medicine for animals and worms which she tried to promote with the influence of the pharmaceutical companies . She spoke against Covid 19, Face masking and unprecedented lockdown and violation of human rights and medical ethics by the GMC and Government but no action was taken against her . Why I and other doctors belonging to ethnic minority are abused , maltreated , and crucified by the GMC and the NHS ? This is clearly violation of equality and justice , abuse and racial discrimination against the doctors belonging to the ethnic minority who are back bone of the NHS in many ways .?

We need an honest , fair and logical answer by the GNC and NHS ?
Dr Mohammad Adil FRCS
Dr Almas U Din Qazi FRCS

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