Interview 361 with Dwayne Richard

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Dwayne Richard born in Grande Prairie, Alberta to Indian and Ukrainian parents. Most of his family is already dead. Immigrants had a hard life and were hard workers. He was the first son to complete university. Did a undergraduate degree in Texas in psychology and a minor in theology. Went to graduate school at Regent College in Vancouver, did a lot of interdisciplinary studies and took classes on new testament theology. He decided he didn't want to get a degree but still stay in the academy. So, he just took classes I was interested in and was committed to educating myself.
It was in the late 90's that he discovered his country and the world was not as it appeared. He learned about the corporate government that was de facto and just provided government services as a front to keep us slaves. He has some experience dealing with it and winning but it took a number of years and failures to understand how it works.
In recent years the choice between de facto and de jure is getting to be the only choice of government that is a legitimate option. He has met with a number of patriots and found the original Republics is the modelto follow setting up constitutional conventions, establishing a declaration of independence and privately work to educate people as to the choice we have to free ourselves from the de facto government, which is a crime syndicate.

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