1 year ago

It’s been a long-time coming, but - it’s here! This is Cancel This - an opportunity to to learn about what happens to people when they’re canceled. To learn about how life changes - when someone is canceled. To understand the many challenges that impact those who have been canceled. All by someone who has been canceled. Former television anchorman Vic Faust leads a team of long-time broadcasters seeking out the stories of those people, services, businesses and efforts that have been canceled and then share all of that perspective with their growing, worldwide audience. Are YOU ready to listen? Are you ready to learn all about Cancel Culture Education? This is Cancel This.

Cancel This Shownotes: 11-28-2022

The Quick-Read for Today’s Program:

– This program was originally captured in three parts (one-hour or less segments)

– Vic is back! For those that either didn’t know or have forgotten, Vic isa former local television anchorman who was canceled after a recording made of an argument recorded during a radio station break was leaked to the press. His goal now is to share his experience and while recovering from the impact of being canceled himself, is also helping others to understand, confront and overcome experiences in the same vein. There will be more detailed information available as well as dedicated episodes to learning more about Vic’s previous, current and future situations but when it all comes down to it – it’s ALL About Cancel Culture Education!

– Did you know? Vic, Tabitha & Eric were all together in a previous program called “The Edge”. They make their renewal debut to issue episodes of Cancel This now via their website at http://CancelThisShow.Com

– Cancel This is here to put all things in regard to Cancel Culture Education into context.

What happens when an individual, service, business or effort gets canceled?

What kind of experiences do those people have?

What challenges do they face when it happens to them?

What happens to the people that - initiate the cancelling?

What are the stories of those people overcoming their challenges?

Stories are coming to use quick and we hope that you'll reach out to use to tell us about one you know about or have experienced at http://CancelThisShow.Com!

– University of Florida CANCELS Scholarship for Quarterback Market Stokes:

– Is the FEAR of being canceled something that impacts your life? Be sure to connect with us now via our website at http://CancelThisShow.Com!

– Did you know that Vic has an older daughter in college?

– Looking for a Studio in the St. Louis area to record your Podcast? Be sure to connect with us to learn more about the Renew Media Group Studio and how

– K-Build: They literally BUILT the Studio and if you’re looking for quality, dependable, top-notch construction of any kind in the St. Louis area, then you search is over. Check out K-Build now via their website at:

– Wentes: The Official Sports Bar of Cancel This: There’s a place, steeped in tradition, great food and smooth drinks that is waiting for your next block of free time. Be sure to check them out and learn about their value - just like the Cancel This Staff does regularly!

– Have you ever “canceled” someone? Be sure to connect with the show to tell us your perspective and why you made the move to have someone canceled! http://CancelThisShow.Com

– The Cancel This Throne (we’re not sure what it’s going to be called yet)

– Visual Thesaurus: Looking to find the vocabulary you haven’t yet learned? You’ve only got one place to visit and it’s

– We’ve got a Lot of people asking us “where can we find you?” The best and first place to go to find and interact with us online is our website: http://CancelThisShow.Com

– Are you a Rumble fan? It’s one one of the fastest-growing elements for viewers to watch video on the internet and we hope you’ll follow us there! http://CancelThisShow.Com

– Do you know which of the words will get you tossed from YouTube? It’s going to take a while to learn them ALL but we want to know what you think! Like, Subscribe and Share Everywhere at http://CancelThisShow.Com!

– Ready to learn more about the missing context of the situation that Vic found himself in when it comes to “being canceled?” It’s here and ready for you to listen!

– What are the consequences for making a mistake? Tell us about YOUR worst mistake and the consequences YOU faced because of it at our website: http://CancelThisShow.Com

– Have you learned more about Vic’s Attorney, Matt Fry? Learn more about his skill sets over thissa’way:

– Share the show, faster than they spread the lies! It’s EASY with all of the links and information at our website: http://CancelThisShow.Com

========= Originally Broken into Three Hours - End of First Hour

– Be sure to check out the gorgeous Studio that we’re using - and that YOU and your effort can also use! Check it out via any of our links featuring video at http://CancelThisShow.Com!

– Does everyone know that Eric Johnson, one of Cancel This’ Cohosts is a REAL LIFE ROCK STAR? He was originally the Bassist for Shooting Star and a variety of other bands and is now with Platinum Rock Legends which you can find out more about over at:

– There is a rumor going around that there are some bare-chested, long-haired photos of Eric floating on the internet. Tabitha looks forward to finding and sharing them at our website at: http://CancelThisShow.Com

– Who is Pedo Peter ? Pedo Peter is the alleged nickname given to U.S. President Joe Biden by his son Hunter within the contact list and iMessages leaked during the Hunter Biden iPhone hack that happened on 4chan in July 2022. The nickname was thought to be Biden's because the President used to use the pseudonym Peter Henderson.

– Question for the Listeners: Is suppressing stories = lying? Tell us what you think at our website at http://CancelThisShow.Com!

– Is it too much to ask for the news to just share the news - and not convey opinion inside a newscast? Tell us what you think at our website at http://CancelThisShow.Com!

– Are you aware of an instance when a conservative group canceled someone liberal? Tell us what you think at our website at http://CancelThisShow.Com!

– Do YOU remember when The Dixie Chicks were canceled? What’s happened to them since? Are you still buying their records? Are you still boycotting them as a band? Tell us what you think at our website at http://CancelThisShow.Com!

– China Cancels Airdrop Technology:

– Is it time to get our kids off devices? There’s a lot of families that are deciding it is. Many of them are using Screen Labs Screentime software. Have you seen it? Check it out at:

– Had a chance to see Peter Jackson and his amazing staff animated,, colorize and “let the Veterans tell the tale” of WWI? The technology, concepts and ideals inside the project are almost as amazing as the creative spirit of Peter Jackson. Witness them all here:

– What are the fundamentals to having an election - that isn’t a simple ‘two-party system”-centric event? Tell us what you think at our website at http://CancelThisShow.Com!

– Tulsi Gabbard: There’s a lot to know about Tulsi Gabbard. Have you taken a moment to visit her website? She too was someone that has been canceled - by HER OWN PARTY! It’s an amazing story and you can find it all and more over at her website:

– The Millenials and Gen Zers - are FIRED UP and ready to vote!

========= Originally Broken into Three Hours - End of Second Hour

– Having an outlet to share YOUR story of being canceled has always been a rough road but now - IT’s EASY! Connect with Cancel This now to tell us about how you, your service, business, organization or effort has BEEN CANCELED! http://CancelThisShow.Com

– One of the largest challenges Vic has had as someone who has been canceled is being able to now tell people what he thinks! It’s

– Ready to talk more about Cambridge and Trans-Jesus? It’s happening and we hope that you’ll tell us what YOU think of it!

– Are you someone that challenges what you’ve learned in school? What do you remember being the “thing” that you took time to push back against when you were in school? Tell us ALL ABOUT IT at http://CancelThisShow.Com


– Are YOU a Soccer Family? Still not yet down with the sport of the foot? Tell us either way over at our website: http://CancelThisShow.Com
– Are you a fan of Team Sports “putting on the pink” or adorning their uniforms with support of other items during the season? Tell us what YOU think at our show over at http://CancelThisShow.Com

– You’ve just been in a car wreck. Your wounds require that you need to have a blood transfusion or you will die. Ready to take in blood from VACCINATED DONORS? Let’s talk about it at our website at: http://CancelThisShow.Com!

– Seniors are Dropping Like Flies After Being Vaccinated:

– Make sure you take the time to Like, Subscribe, and Share Everywhere! The links to do all of that and more are available at: http://CancelThisShow.Com!

Connect with The Talent from Cancel This!

Host: Vic Faust
Co-Host: Tabitha Hassell
Co-Host: Eric Johnson
Producer: Mike Wilkerson

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