12.3.22- Twitter Q&A brilliance unfolds. @jameswoods responds. All related to PIZZ@. MUSK targeted.

1 year ago


Celebrities being called out over their silence on Balenciaga: https://t.me/PepeMatter/13320
James Woods: https://t.me/PepeMatter/13366

James Woods is vindicated and on a mission! This is pure 🔥 https://t.me/PepeMatter/13367

We've known about natural immunity for 2,500 years and 2.5 years ago Fauci and other government officials seemed to forget about it completely. https://t.me/The_Storm_Q17/4093

New Zealand Parents Fight for Their Son to Receive Unvaxxed Blood During Heart Surgery https://t.me/chiefnerd/6295

Flashback Friday: (April 27, 1961) JFK Warns of Secret Societies and Censorship https://t.me/chiefnerd/6306

The Real Kevin McCarthy https://t.me/realKarliBonne/137534

The Twitter Files reveal that Jack Dorsey used the e-mail address jack@0.pizza as of 2020. https://lizcrokin.substack.com/p/pizzagate-exposed-part-1?r=17d7ph&utm_medium=ios

9th grade text book in Germany- normalizing the chip https://t.me/gracevb/10532

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