2 Kings Chapter 9 and John 11:25-26

2 years ago

2 Kings Chapter 9

Elisha sends a member of the company of prophets to go find Jehoshaphat's son, Jehu. He's to secretly anoint Jehu with oil as the king of Israel, then flee.
The young prophet finds the commanders of the Israelite army and takes Jehu aside. He gives him the task of rebelling against Ahab's family and annihilating the entire house of Ahab, in addition to finally killing Jezebel.
When Jehu returns to the other commanders, he at first pretends the prophet was just some madman. But they make him tell them the truth, and he admits the prophet proclaimed him the new king.
The other commanders spread their cloaks on the ground for Jehu and blow a trumpet, agreeing that he's the true king.

Treason for a Reason

Joram is recovering from his wounds in Jezreel, with Ahaziah present. Jehu begins to ride to Jezreel in secret.
Sentinels keep coming out when they see Jehu nearing the city, but Jehu gets them to join him.
Based on the mad way he's driving, the last sentinel tells Joram it appears to be Jehu.
Joram goes to confront Jehu in a chariot at the property of a guy named Naboth the Jezreelite.
Joram asks him if he wishes for peace, but Jehu says peace is meaningless as long as Jezebel continues her sorceries.
Joram yells "Treason!" and tries to drive away, but Jehu shoots him dead with an arrow through the back of his heart.
They take Joram's body and throw it out on Naboth's property, in accordance with an earlier prophecy made by God.
They also kill Ahaziah, shooting him with an arrow as he flees in a chariot. Ahaziah's men carry him back to be buried with his ancestors in Judah.

High Class Alpo

When Jehu arrives at Jezreel, Jezebel paints her eyes and adorns her head and looks at her window.
She asks him if he intends peace (apparently pretty sure he doesn't). Jehu urges her eunuchs to help him. They throw her out the window, killing her.
Her blood splatters on the wall and Jehu's horses trample her.
Jehu goes into her house and eats and drinks. Then he orders his servants to bury her—but it turns out that dogs have already eaten every part of her except for her skull, feet, and the palms of her hands.
This fulfills the prophecy that Elijah had made in 1 Kings about the death of Jezebel.

John 11:25-26

Jesus told her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Anyone who believes in me will live, even after dying. 26Everyone who lives in me and believes in me will never ever die. Do you believe this, Martha?”


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