Being An Eagle-Bible Corner –2 of 5 End of Days: Why Would God Rescue the Church?

2 years ago

I’m a Christian who believes the Bible is the Word of God, Jesus is the Son of God, there is a Heavenly Father, and the gifting of the Holy Spirit is still in operation.

In this video series I question if the church today is correct in their beliefs of the end times I continue to discuss the doctrine of Pretribulation Rapture by questioning the idea God WOULD actually rescue the church. Plus I discuss how the seven churches have always existed. There are NO separate time periods associated with these churches.

Lets not forget the Declaration of Independence is about Civilized Man temporarily becoming Uncivilized to save Civil Society.

#beinganeagle, #Christian #Bible #Jesus #false doctrine #Pretribulation Rapture #tribulation #seven churches #religion #church #seven candlesticks #word of God #end times #deception #dispensationalism #false doctrine, #prophets, #son of perdition

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