Being An Eagle-Bible Corner –1 of 5 End of Days: Pretribulation Rapture

2 years ago

I’m a Christian who believes the Bible is the Word of God, Jesus is the Son of God, there is a Heavenly Father, and the gifting of the Holy Spirit is still in operation.

In this video series I question if the evangelical beliefs of the end times is correct. I discuss how the doctrine of the Pretribulation rapture is mostly likely a deception. If it is, on how this doctrine will deceive many.

Lets not forget the Declaration of Independence is about Civilized Man temporarily becoming Uncivilized to save Civil Society.

#beinganeagle, #Christian #Bible #Jesus #false doctrine #Pretribulation Rapture #son of perdition #anti-Christ #temple #end times #timeline #deception #the mark #false prophet #Holy Spirit #prophets #psalms #Revelation #Babylon #rapture

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