Climate of fear generated by management generating patient’s safety at Queen Elizabeth Hosp.Bhm.

2 years ago

Largest Trust of U.K. Queen Elizabeth Hospital draining 2.5 million people have worst performance. Former and current clinicians at QE UH Bhm. alleged of being punished by the management & senior clinician colleagues for whistle blowing of patient safety & concerns.Twenty 25 patient died in Hematologist 2017 ,12 patients died in 2020 and 6 died in 2021 which is highest than 1250 trusts in the U.K. and is criminal. Senior clinicians said there is no patient ownership and trust is like a big mafia. Twenty six 26 good doctors who stood on their medical ethics and blew the whistle are refered to the GMC. Both Trust & GMC are cohorting to punish good doctors to discourage & threaten them. We must appreciate the courage, honour, strength of the doctors to follow their Medical Ethics and spoke out . I salute their courage and honour for speaking out for the patient safety .It’s our moral duty to protect our patients and bring it up in case of gross negligence and mismanagement compromising patient care.
Don’t worry about GMC, there is blood in their hands by killing 200 doctors from 2005 until 2022 & 60 doctors suicided mostly ethnic minority doctors due to prolonged and barbarian investigations for years by the GMC which they are now accountable. Please contact me on my email, and
Call me on phone 07872969928 .
We need to make a unity and will overhaul GMC completely .
Best regards . Chairman. The World Doctors Alliance( WDA) , Global Nishtarian Organisation ( GNO) , All Pakistan Medical Association U.K.
Best regards
Dr Mohammad I Adil

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