I want to speak with you about the actual origins of COVID19

2 years ago

They did much worse than weaponize medicine, yes, they took it even further than developing a bioweapon, they politicised medicine to use it as a tool to further the dialectical materialism of a full-blown Communist Revolution. COVID 19 became the primary motivator for the largest transference of wealth in human history from the common person to the elite who seek to control everything!

I've never trusted the State, ever. Only a fool would, or perhaps someone who uses the State’s apparatus to their own manipulative ends. But I'll do one better, people who do so are responsible for creating totalitarian regimes. It's that simple. Each and every time totalitarianism has emerged the leaders of the revolution simply told a sufficient number of their citizens what the citizens wished to hear to foment that revolution. So, what people who have placed their faith in Big Government have done here in Canada is unconscionable!

Christians often fall prey to the simplistic belief that Bible prophecies refer to one specific historic event in history that will never be repeated. They who do so forget that the Bible, like Greek Mythology, is full of metaphorical truths about human nature, mass psychology, and the psychic events which ensue from that mass formation. Everything that will happen has also happened in a similar fashion in the past, albeit on a much smaller scale. The story of the Tower of Babel refers to what invariably happens when a sufficiently large number of people place their faith in the State apparatus which is then destined to collapse under its own weight in confusion. We have replaced Father God with Mother Government. And she is an unholy idolatrous mother who has one goal, to feed off her offspring like a succubus. And mankind’s worship of her always has been, is, and always will be, idolatry!


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