Mecklenburg County Judge Christy T Mann sending a child to live with a known abuser...

1 year ago

The Judge speaking in the video is Judge Christy Mann, she is considered a "well-respected judge.” Her disregard for the evidence presented to her on trial has resulted in a mother not being able to be in the life of her child because of her abusive ex-husband. From the judge's mouth, this does not appear to be the first time she does something similar, except that more than likely we have not heard from the other times she has done this. I would like this video to be shared as many times as you can because this is not just about this mother but it is about every single woman and child out there who has been a victim of domestic violence. We need to make people aware of cases like this, the family court system in the United States is extremely broken. Many children, who are the future of this country, are being forced every day to stay with parents who neglect and abuse them, but we rarely hear about them in the news. These are the things that should be sensationalized and the things that people should not be quiet about. Case number 13-CVD-22084.

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