My Achilles heel

2 years ago

A statement by Stephen Bell on the 04/12/2022:

Addressing the intelligence agencies kompromat on me Stephen Bell, that is what I do in this video, I do not going in too the reasons why or who is ultimately responsible! besides myself, because there are absolutely nefarious states interests who have been manipulating me, and exposing me to all kinds of directed energy weapons and mind control technologies.

In this video I address my own Achilles heel, so that my past history, can no longer effectively used against me by the intelligence agencies and states, who run the program and the social and political persecution of me in the open.

That is why I’m talking about my own sexual history and experiences, in a video which I am posting for everybody to be able to see, this shouldn’t be necessary, however it is apparent that I should have made this video many years ago, since the state arbiters of the program, so religiously use my Achilles heel against me, as an all-encompassing way of providing so-called proof of their claims and accusations against me, for being some kind of sex criminal, despite the very fundamental fact, that there is no shred of evidence or paperwork to substantiate their sex criminal claims against me Stephen Bell.

#Active_measures_against_Stephen_Bell #The_program_is_social_engineering

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