Twitter Rigging Was Just One Method of Cheating in 2020

2 years ago

Don't forget Dominion, ES&S, all machines, mail in ballots, ballot harvesting, mules, Sharpies, fake news, all big tech, no observers, no chain of custody, ERIC, servers in China, Germany, etc., dirty voter rolls, Antifa, BLM, FEDS, UniParty, bribery, collusion, death threats, masks, lock downs, China virus, Constitutional rights violations, treason. And nothing changed in the 2022 midterm elections, RIGGED!

Trump won by a lot and everybody knows it. It is very clear that We the People cannot vote our way out of tyranny.

We the People Demand that Gitmo TV Go Live NOW!

#StopTheSteal #SaveAmerica #MAGA

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