Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on 2nd Dominica in Advent...4 December 2022 AD...

2 years ago

Video publication published by the true Holy Apostolic See 2nd Dominica in Advent, the Feast of St. Peter Chrysologus, Bishop, Confessor, Doctor of the Church, also the Feast of St. Barbara, Virgin, Martyr...4 December 2022 AD...

Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on 2nd Dominica in Advent...4 December 2022 today's Gospel Christ Our Lord teaches His disciples, which is from the beginning until now and always solely and only the true Roman Catholic Church and Her members, so Our Lord teaches the lesson of the Precursor St. John the Baptist, not because of the imminent sanctity of the messenger of God St. John, but because of the truly supernatural Divine character of his mission, which, being sent by God to foretell and testify to the coming of Christ Our Lord, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, the Emanuel - God with us – the Son of God coming to redeem the human race from the diabolical slavery which is the yoke of Satan, God sending His own Son, therefore God sending Himself into the world to provide once and for all the means of salvation of each and individual soul of man, so likewise today, due to its own ungratefulness and unfaithfulness this same abominably disobedient human race is on the verge of precipice that leads only to severe punishment and ultimately the unquenchable Hell fire forever, and so the only way to escape this Divine wrath is to become, sincerely and in true humility, truly Catholic, and to serve God always without wavering - and those who would not and reject this truth, God Himself will visit them with all that is foretold, the upcoming Divine vengeance unspeakable...


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