How to add invisibility to your VRChat avatar.

2 years ago

The mentioned Poiyomi Toon shader is located at .

Two things I missed in the video: First is a fix for staying invisible to other players, and second is how to make the Poiyomi decloak look better.

If you're experiencing issues where you're still invisible to other people after you turn it off, then add a Cube to your avatar, remove its Box Collider component, and set its scale to 0 on all three axes. What I'm assuming happens is that, if there aren't any parts of the avatar being rendered at all, the game effectively deletes the avatar altogether, preventing the animation that disables invisibility.

As for making the Poiyomi method look better when decloaking... In the flowchart section, set the Off state to use the same animation for turning invisible, and set the Speed to -1. This will play the animation backwards, thus having you gradually decloak instead of just immediately reappearing. It will also make it so that you spawn into the world via decloaking instead of just popping into existence.

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