Psychotherapist believes in Evil Spirits

1 year ago

Our society is more awash in psychiatric drugs than ever before in human history. The entire western mental health system is ruled by big pharma and psychiatrists and there are more people are on psych drugs than ever. Despite this 46,000 Americans killed themselves last year. There were 1.4 million suicide attempts and between 1999 and the 2019 the suicide rate increased by 33%. The combined murder and suicide rate has soared to 71,000 deaths A YEAR in the U.S.. This is more than we lost in the entire Viet Nam war. If this doesn't highlight the abject failure of our current drug infused merry to round of a mental health system, nothing will. The western mental health system is an abject failure because it ignores the spiritual nature of man and it's toxic drugs merely suppress psychiatric symptoms without getting to the actual cause of these mental disorders. A New psychotherapy that does actually get at the cause of psychiatric problems is being ignored as a threat to the current current defunct system.

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