Pokemon TCG Online Expanded Single Strike Duraludon VMAX Bronzong VS Giratina VSTAR Lugia VSTAR!!

2 years ago

Book Link: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/9925752434




Abilities that move around energies always have a way to be good and what better pokemon to exploit with metal transfer bronzong than the mighty single strike duraludon vmax. Sporting a fantastic ability to wall against any pokemon with special energies and an incredible attack that will ignore effects this card only becomes even deadlier when you can't even check it with weakness. With bronzong moving energies, some very obvious metal type aiding cards and a few max potions this deck can be extremnely strong if it successfully gets rolling. We have a great match up against decks using a lugia vstar engine, that's how great of an ability is to wall any pokemon with special energies.

#pokemontcg #duraludon #giratinavstar

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