A Link To The Past Randomizer (ALTTPR) - Standard All Dungeons Keysanity

2 years ago

Permalink: https://alttpr.com/en/h/B6v13rmPG7

In the next ALTTP Randomizer seed, a mysterious blac-haired girl named Hanna finds herself in Hyrule in the fight of her life against Ganon and all of his generals, all guarded by fully randomized dungeon keys all over the world. Someone told me once where my character sprite came from, but I completely forgot and I can't find the comment anymore, so if anyone knows, I'll pin the comment.
Full ALTTP Randomizer Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcZithGR1z9D7pWxULBh_lzGto6yTWpPG
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#ALTTPR #ALinkToThePast #Randomizer #ALTTPRandomizer #normal #keysanity #retrogaming #gaming #subscribe #comment

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