ProLife Obstetrician & Gynecology Bill Lile Pre-Born Surgery Saving Lives That Could’ve Been Aborted

2 years ago

Pro-Life Obstetrician & Gynecologist, Dr. Bill Lile argues that "A patient is a person no matter how small." Lile then continues to expound on the various types of medical procedures that they have done to save the lives of pre-born babies while still in the womb such as open heart surgery, laser vascular surgery, and blood transfusions. Lile then explains that these babies whom he is doing surgery on fall under the umbrella of legalized abortions. Lile circles back to the fact that if these are patients and implies that they deserve the same rights as other patients when he states "a patient is a person no matter how small."

Lile begins his speech:

“I was recently teaching over at the University of Florida College of Medicine…And we were talking about patient’s rights, and we were discussing when patients have rights we need to provide them with care. When it comes to patient’s rights we treat babies as patients—we treat adults as patients, but what we need to teach is that all of us have rights, and we all are patients.
We asked the students at the University of Florida College of Medicine…If I have a patient in my office that needs a blood transfusion or they will die, but then I realize they weren’t born in the United States.

Do I have a moral and legal obligation to provide them with access to the blood transfusion which will save their lives? And they all said “Yeah…”

I said what if I have a patient in my office that needs laser vascular surgery and if they don’t get this laser vascular surgery, they will die?

Do I have a moral and legal obligation to provide them with laser vascular surgery even if they weren’t born here in the United States? And now the students are all nodding their heads.

I said what if I have another patient in my office that needs open heart surgery, and if they don’t have open heart surgery, they will die in a matter of weeks, but they also were not born in the United States?

Do I have a moral and legal obligation to provide them with access to that open heart surgery? Young man in the back….

Medical student at UF said “Dr. Lile we’ve been taught that a patient as a person is entitled to respect and bodily integrity.”

I said “I agree with you!” We absolutely need to treat all patients as persons and respect them…One little detail that I left out when I said that they were not born in the United States. They were not born in the United States yet.

And they all said “You said blood transfusion.” I said “Yeah I sure did.”
There was a condition where moms will have antibodies which can cross the placenta, and start to attack the baby’s blood, because from the moment of conception that baby is a different person than the mother. Half the time it’s a different gender – it’s a boy, but genetically this baby is unique from Mom, unique from Dad, unique from the other 8 billion people on the planet, but when moms have antibodies that cross the placenta and they start to attack the baby’s blood cells, the baby’s blood count is going to drop. If we don’t do something about that, that baby will go into heart failure and that baby will die in the womb. So, if you need a blood transfusion, what do we do? We give you a blood transfusion in the emergency room. We can take a syringe, and we can take a needle with ultrasound guidance. Guide it through the skin of the mother’s belly…guide it through the wall of the uterus….go right past the eyes of the baby…and baby’s like “what was that?” Go right up to the umbilical cord, and we can give that baby a life-saving blood transfusion. People ask “well where do you get baby blood?” It’s not baby blood. It’s blood that one of you donated at the Red Cross or at One Blood. If you have O negative blood, we can transfuse that blood into a baby’s vascularity, and we can save that baby’s life. That is treating your neighbor as yourself, and that is one of the greatest commandments.

But then the students said “Ok blood transfusions, but you said laser vascular surgery?” I said “Yeah.”

When we have identical twins that are sharing a placenta….If you have kids…Sometimes they don’t share everything nicely, but if you have twins that are not sharing nicely in the womb, you need to teach them to share. We had a patient that had identical twin boys. One was really big and about the 99th percentile. The other baby was really scrawny and runty about the 2nd percentile. If we didn’t teach them to share, they both were going to die in the womb. We said send them to Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston. What do they do? They consult Dr. Luke Skywalker. Why Dr. Luke Skywalker, because he goes inside the womb with a camera with a laser, and he maps out the vascularity of that placenta, and he can see where way too much nutrition is being taken over to the big baby and there is a deficit going to the little baby. He actually can take a laser, and just like Luke Skywalker with a light saber, he can divide that placenta, and say this is your side of the placenta…this is your side of the placenta. Now you two play nice and we’ll deliver you in a couple of months. We sent our patient down there and they were both delivered, so we are teaching babies how to share.

And then one of the students said “Well wait a second you said that uh like open heart surgery?” I said “Yeah.”

Let me show you some amazing stats on open heart surgery. We’ve got new video…We’ve got some still pictures that I have never shown to anybody else until tonight, and what we are going to show you is open heart surgery. When we look at these babies, this was a baby that was diagnosed at about 25 gestation with a tumor in the heart called a teratoma, and they went over to the Cleveland Clinic for evaluation. The doctors in the team talked to the parents and they said “If we don’t do something, this baby will die, because this tumor is almost half the size of the baby’s heart.” The heart is just a pump, and this was interfering with the flow of blood, so they said “We’d like to try to remove this tumor from this baby’s heart while the baby is still on the inside. And they said can you do that? “Yes we can.” Well what they did is amazing. You can see this still picture. In there on the inside that’s the baby, and there is a tumor that is on that baby’s heart. I’m going to show you an illustration first, and then I’m going to show you some pictures from the actual surgery which are absolutely amazing. So you see, there is the baby inside of the womb and there is this teratoma. That is that white part over to the right. So what they are going to do is they need to remove that teratoma. Mom got an epidural anesthesia for pain management. They made an incision in the mom’s skin. They opened up the belly. Then they made an incision in the uterus kind of like a little mini C Section and then they brought out the right arm. They brought out the left arm to get access to the baby’s chest, but look what they did next. They started an IV in the baby’s arm for hydration, anesthesia, and resuscitation. Then they made an incision in the baby’s chest. They removed that tumor -- almost immediately blood flow was restored from that baby’s heart. They then closed up the baby’s chest. They then tucked the arms in back on the inside. They removed that IV. They closed up the uterus, and ten weeks later they did a C-Section, and they delivered that healthy baby.

If we are doing open heart surgery on babies on the inside, is that a patient? “Yeah!” And a patient is a person no matter how small.”

This event was held July 15, 2022 at the Community Choice Credit Union Convention Center where The Family Leader Christian Organization held their annual summit in Des Moines, Iowa. Tickets ranged in price from $39 each for students and military to $75. All 1800 seats sold out. Speakers included were Tucker Carlson, Steve Deace, Bob Vander Plaats, Greg Baker, Dr. Tony Evans, Chuck Hurley, Monte Knudson, Dr. Bill Lile, Barry Meguiar, Tommy Walker, Kim Reynolds, and Chuck Grassley.

Speakers at the event included:

Tucker Carlson: Fox News Tucker Carlson Tonight:
Steve Deace: The Steve Deace Show:
Bob Vander Plaats: President and CEO of The Family Leader:
Greg Baker: Executive Vice President Founding Director of Church Ambassador Network for The Family Leader:
Dr. Tony Evans: Senior Pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship:
Chuck Hurley: Vice President & Chief Counsel for The Family Leader:
Monte Knudson: Senior Pastor for Faith Christian Outreach Church:
Dr. Bill Lile: Pro-Life Doctor and Gynecologist:
Barry Meguiar: President & Founder Meguiar's Car Wax & Ignite America, igniting Christians to ignite America with Revival: 15, 2022 at the
Tommy Walker: Founder Worship Leader for Tommy Walker Ministries:
Kim Reynolds: Iowa Governor:
Chuck Grassley: Iowa Senator:
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