1984 2.0

2 years ago

03-12-2022 Update and correction: At the time of recording this video statement, I didn’t have the knowledge that I do now, as they have been informing me of what kind of PSYOP attacks, they have been waging on me, all over the world, as retaliation for them not achieving this time around, the framing of me Stephen Bell for a sex crime.
Furthermore It has come to my attention that their claims about me and my sexual exploits if you will, Is not something recent as far as I understand, but they are referring to way back when 2010, or so, where I indeed had a personal crisis, being targeted by multiple intelligence agencies manipulating me with mind control technologies and directed energy weapons and me being unaware of their technological capabilities, not to mention my own drug abuse, which all led me down a path, where I did engage in some sexual activity which could be deemed gay, which is something I have spoken about before in my video June 2022, in this video I am obviously talking about the present, the here and now, and not something that should be of anybody’s concern from more than a decade ago, it is ridiculous how the state arbiters of the program keep referring back to this time period, as some kind of Achilles heel that they can bring up all the time whenever, as some kind of proof that I’m supposedly a sex criminal because I experimented with sex and sexuality for a short period of time, it is actually ludicrous and unfathomable that states, intelligence agencies and the establishments of multiple countries keep using these tactics against me Stephen Bell.

And nobody thinks it is out of order? The hypocrisy is astounding.

About the statement:
in response to my latest video https://odysee.com/@Persona.../the-framing-of-stephen-bell:9 called the framing of Stephen Bell from 28 November 2022, the conglomerate of intelligence agencies and states who run the program, have retaliated heavily against me, and immediately they tried to discredit me, by releasing some sexually explicit footage that they proclaim is me engaging in some sex acts, I haven’t seen this footage nor have I been engaging in any perverted sex acts for the longest of time, furthermore as far as I understand, this footage does not even show faces! Which is so very typical of these intelligence agencies, who are also desperately wanting to distract people’s from the real issue, of them literally framing me Stephen Bell for a sex crime without ever charging or prosecuting me for anything, let alone something as serious and despicable as a sex crime.

And take what I’m doing to the contrary, I’m making a factual video utterly substantiated with official police records, the actual paperwork, something that people all across the world take highly seriously, that there needs to be supporting paperwork to label someone a sex criminal and thereby destroy their lives, and yet this is being eroded by the very same intelligence agencies, states and establishments who have very vested interests in, the people all over the world believing in their never-ending propaganda and PSYOPS, which in turn is being used as a pretext to run a global social engineering and intelligence operation, that has been set in motion as a means for states and intelligence agencies to dictate and micromanaging the public at large, at an ever-increasing rate, hence why there is such a concerted and continuous efforts, being waged against the public’s all over the world, to have the people see me Stephen Bell, as some kind of demonic super villain, while in reality and in fact I’m just rather normal but hardened person, who has being living in a completely impossible situation for the last 15 years where this never-ending saga has been going on.

official documentation from all the relevant Danish authorities


#Active_measures_against_Stephen_Bell #The_program_is_social_engineering

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