2 years ago

You Better Not Lie or You'll Die!
One day in 1979, I picked up a book by a well-known author. This book had come highly recommended by one of my favorite preachers at that time. The topic was angelic visitations. This was something I was interested in because of my many experiences with the supernatural. I began to read this book and noticed immediately that he said he had experiences, which did not line up with the Scriptures.
I did not want to judge his heart, but we do have the responsibility to examine everything in light of God’s Word. If it does not line up with the word of God, then we must reject it, no matter who wrote it.
As I was pondering the stories in this book, the Spirit of the Lord spoke to my heart very strongly. It was as if He was standing right there next to me, speaking audibly. What He said to me was rather shocking! The Lord told me that this book's writer would be dead in three months from a heart attack. I asked the Lord why He was telling me this.
He said the stories in the man’s book were exaggerated and that he had opened the door for the devil to steal his life. The Lord warned me that day that if I were ever to do the same thing, judgment would come to me. I did not realize that the Lord would have me to be writing books; many of them filled with my own experiences. Now I understand why he spoke this to me, telling me that I better not exaggerate my experiences.
When the Spirit of the Lord spoke this to me, I turned and told my wife. I held the book up and said, in a hushed whispering, trembling, wavering voice, “Honey, the man who wrote this book will be dead in three months from a heart attack.” Plus, I told her why the Lord told me this. I wish I had been wrong. Exactly three months later, the man unexpectedly died from a heart attack.

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