The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

2 years ago

When the Protocols of The Meetings of The Zionist Men of Wisdom were first revealed to the world in 1905 by Russian Sergei Nilus, Freemasons and Zionist Jews everywhere screamed and complained that these 24 Protocols were a "hoax," a "forgery," even a "blood taint" against the Jews. Yet, none of its detractors ever once renounced or disavowed the agenda set out within the Protocols.
Then, in 1917, came the brutal and barbaric Bolshevik Revolution in Russia and its captive republics, which was led by the covert, Masonic Jews Lenin, Trotsky, and Kaganovich, and funded by $20 Million in gold that was provided to them by the [Judeo-Masonic] Rothschild banking dynasty, by and through their [Judeo-Masonic] agent in New York City, Jacob Schiff of Kuhn, Loeb and Co.
In fact, the cruel and sinister crimes of the crypto-Jew revolutionaries in Russia and other countries seemed to have jumped off the pages of the Protocols. The Red Terror, with its torturous massacres of innocent people, its monstrous gulag concentration camps, and the setting up of a Jewish dictatorship, also followed the agenda of the Protocols as did the persecution everywhere of Christians and churches.
The entire world has now witnessed horrors that were a direct result of the heinous prescriptions laid out earlier in the Protocols, which were leaked from the [more] complete file of Protocols that were set out at the First Zionist Congress which was held in Basel, Switzerland, in August 1897.
Find out how the Protocols are still being implemented in our day and how our freedoms, even our very lives, are still in jeopardy because of this diabolical plan, which is aimed at nothing less than the conquest of the world.
MUST SEE also Dark Messiah...
See my essay on The Thirteen Families:

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