Episode 127: Lion Brand, Kanye, and Hitler?

2 years ago

This week Anne and DK talk the Lion Brand Yarn fiasco, Kanye going off the deep end, and somehow we ended up with a lot of Nazi/Hitler references. It's an odd week for sure.

If you are interested in checking out a great pro-life organization you can find them at LetThemLive.org

Here is the interview with the founder. https://www.instagram.com/p/CljIxRtBIYJ/

If you want to contact the powers that be at lion brand yarn...
Chris Mills - President - chris.mills@lionbrand.com

Jen Wallis - Director of Sales, Ecommerce - jen.wallis@lionbrand.com

Nicky Miller - Social Media Manager - nicky.miller@lionbrand.com

Mark McCowan - Director of Influencer Marketing - mark.mccowan@lionbrand.com

Check out Odyssey Tale by Cody Schlegel for a great non-woke book!

You can find our sponsor at ChickenLadyFiberArts.com. Don't forget to sign up for her email list!!

As always you can find us on the social medias as Anne Pinkava, and Deplorable Knitter.

Anne Pinkava
Instagram: @annepinkava
Love Crafts:https://www.lovecrafts.com/en-us/user/maker/fdba7e1e-93b6-4b6f-9f82-06ef18d0ec8c

Deplorable Knitter
Instagram: @DeplorableKnitter
Website: deplorableknitter.weebly.com


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