"What is Going on?! 🔪Animal Eyes Sent to Ukrainian Embassies in Europe 🤯 | #shorts #news

2 years ago

Actual Information | "What is Going on?! 🔪Animal Eyes Sent to Ukrainian Embassies in Europe 🤯 | #shorts #news

Ukrainian diplomatic missions across Europe have received "bloody packages" containing explosives and animal eyes, according to Ukraine's Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba. There have been 17 cases of embassies receiving the letters, he added. The packages were "soaked in a liquid of a characteristic colour and had a corresponding smell", Foreign Ministry spokesperson Oleg Nikolenko said.

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#Ukraine #EmbassiesReceiveBloodyPackages #ExplosivesAndAnimalEyes #ForeignMinisterKuleba #17Cases #LiquidOfCharacteristicColour #CorrespondingSmell #ForeignMinistrySpokespersonNikolenko #newstoday

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Related Queries:

Ukrainian embassies receiving "bloody packages",
Explosive packages sent to Ukrainian diplomatic missions,
Animal eyes sent to Ukrainian embassies,
Dmytro Kuleba statement on packages,
Oleg Nikolenko statement on packages,
Packages containing explosives and animal eyes,
Characteristic colour and smell of packages

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