Sudden Increase Of Overt Antisemitism Begins To Shake The Internet-NOW THE END BEGINS.COM-DEC 2 2022

2 years ago

Yesterday, we told you how Kanye West, a lost man who pretends to be a Christian, sat with a Bible, wearing a nylon face covering, and spoke with Alex Jones about the wickedness of the Jews and the virtues of Adolf Hitler. West finished the day by posting a Nazi swastika-Star of David hybrid to his Twitter account. We have captured that imaged, colorized it, and it is the one you see in the center of the main graphic for this article. It was just last week that Emmanuel Macron spoke at the 2022 APEC meeting in Thailand under a swastika-themed logo, and it was just 24 hours ago that the United Nations confirmed their hatred for the nation of Israel with their Nakba Day resolution. If you believe the prophets, you know what's happening, if you don't then you're clueless and unable to discern these times. We can help you with that.On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, we're going to do something unpopular, something that will invariably generate angry emails to my inbox, but it needs to be said and it must be done. Today we are going to stand with the Jews, which we've always done, we're going to defend the right of the nation of Israel to exist, which we've always done, and we're going to expose the key players leading this dramatic rise of antisemitism. Kayne West, a demon-possessed lost man on his way to Hell, made $400 million dollars selling his 'Jesus Is King' album to gullible Christians who lapped it up like a dog eating its own vomit. Not only is he not a Christian, he is a minister of Satan, and we will show you that today on the Podcast.

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