TOYG's Friday Night Appointment With Fear #4 - Lifeforce (1985)

2 years ago

TOYG's Friday Night Appointment With Fear #4 - Lifeforce (1985)

No Peter Cushing this week!!!! What the?? No, this week's delve into the world of horror is the sci-fi gem, 'Lifeforce', directed by Tobe Hooper and released back in 1985. In my opinion, it is one of the best apocalyptic action horror films ever made, with excellent visuals and a bonkers story, loosely based on Colin Wilson's novel, 'Space Vampires'. Steve Railsback, Peter Firth and Frank Finlay star, but the film is most memorable for the voluptuous Mathilda May as the 'Space Girl'. Oooh, it's good. :)


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