Dutch TV host Paul de Leeuw promotes pedophilia

2 years ago


In 2008 there was a huge international controversy when an old early 1990's video clip from Paul de Leeuw's own TV show was posted on Youtube. This video has since then been meticulously removed from Youtube and other major platforms (even from Bitchute) but it always pops up again somewhere on the internet from time to time.

Paul de Leeuw is a Dutch entertainer and singer that touches on controversial subjects on his TV-shows. This video clip is from a show 30 years back when the general climate in the Netherlands was quite accepting towards pedophilia. Please note that there used to be even an openly pedophile political party in the Netherlands. It was precisely in that period that Paul de Leeuw (who is probably a pedophile himself) felt safe enough to promote this kind of behaviour openly on national TV. The official story was that he was making fun of pedophiles and parents who let this happen to their kids. The young boy in the skit was a nephew of the TV show's producer.

Perhaps one of the most sickening details in this show is the behaviour of the audience - they are all cheering no matter what happens on the stage...

If you are for some reason not outraged enough at the beginning of the video then watch the last 20 seconds…!

This post on the same subject on Twitter also received numerous views and comments:


What I find very revealing is that Paul de Leeuw is referred to several times in the posts of the pedophilia promoting website brongersma.info. There is for example the following entry:

“What does Paul de Leeuw think of when someone says 'Martijn'? Tonight in the broadcast of Paul the answer turned out: "a chief editor of a pedophile magazine". This off-topic comment was a bit dead, but is actually more of an insider joke;) “

This “inside joke” refers to the infamous court-banned Dutch pedophilia association Vereniging Martijn.


The following excerpt is translated from a Dutch web article: https://www.boublog.nl/2017/09/10/seksu ... -van-well/.

“ Below is a transcript of notes taken by Micha Kat from an interview held on Sunday January 16, 2011 in Hellevoetsluis. The identity of the source is known to this site and can be revealed to the National Prosecutor's Office if the Public Prosecution Service undertakes to respect the source in its rights. The importance of the source is also apparent from the fact that he has proven to be the source of an explosive article published on December 7, 2004 on Kleintje Muurkrant about a pedo-bar in Amsterdamse Paardenstraat (the 'Festival Bar') where people like Ed van Thijn, Paul de Leeuw and Andre van Duin raped children. This bar was closed shortly after the publication of the said document. “


The following cannot be taken as direct evidence against Paul de Leeuw in this matter but curiously in December 2017 an article appeared in the political weblog Dagelijkse Standaard https://www.dagelijksestandaard.nl/2017 ... -pedofiel/.

It states that someone from the city of Amsterdam’s parking service department had modified Paul de Leeuw’s Wikipedia page claiming that he is living a double life and is actually a pedophile. This claim has since been removed by other Wikipedia moderators.


Paul de Leeuw also happens to be a good friend of Job Gosschalk who resigned his position as a producer and director of a known Dutch film company due to sexual misconduct. Mr. Gosschalk has been called the Dutch Harvey Weinstein and there has also been accusations that he has abused children (underage). See RTL channel presenter’s research on this subject (in Dutch): https://www.nporadio1.nl/75-jaar-vrijhe ... -misbruikt.

In spite of a huge public controversy and disgust towards Mr. Gosschalk Paul de Leeuw has openly requested that Gosschalk should be forgiven and returned back to his former position as a caster for movie roles!


There is a boy-lover's symbol on his musical album cover.

The name of the album is "For your majesty". Hmm, this put s chills down my spine when you consider the alleged involvement of the former Dutch Queen Beatrix in child sacrifice rituals. See the testimonial of a brave Dutch woman Annemarie van Blijenburg here:


The lyrics of one of Paul de Leeuw's songs goes like this (translated with Google translate from: https://genius.com/Paul-de-leeuw-de-hit-lyrics)

" He had a children's choir with voices as gems...Lalalalala...I sang songs with 40 golden throats...Lalalalala It was great to do, I kissed them all

Children crowded into my yard, get lost...Lalalalala... When they saw me they started to sing, Wodan took it...Lalalalala...I became nervous, I became unstable, I became *LESS AND LESS PEDOPHILE*."


There used be an old Dutch TV-show where a host (whose name I don't remember) used to pay surprise visits to celebrities' houses and bring them a cake or a taart. On one of these episodes Paul de Leeuw's door was knocked on and Mr Leeuw seemed quite surprised and uncomfortable when opening the door. The reason was that in the background there were a couple of young kids curiously looking what was happening behind him. These kids must have been 6-9 years old and to me they looked like Cambodian (or from the region of South-East Asia). What were they doing in his house...?

I have been trying to find a video of this TV-show (that I still could find a few years ago) but now it seems to have completely disappeared.



Paul de Leeuw also wrote the script and acted the main roles in a disturbing 1995 movie called Filmpje! Already during the first minute they start talking about ordering a child ('rare kindje') from the internet. Although it is meant to refer to an adoption this really gives me a bad feeling...

At a strange scene (starts 6:05) Papa spits into the crib, shakes it violently and then throws the whole crib against a wall. It is unclear if a baby was inside (I hope not).

At the court room scene (starts 8:25) there is a naked baby doll on the table..

In one scene (starts 19:27) the main character 'Papa' visits a strange "Eyes wide shut" type of corporate building where sex services are offered.

In another scene (starts 27:49) the 'Papa' comes home and his daughter (who is wearing a really gruesome looking tooth straightening device on her head) goes to greet him by kneeling in front of him – what happens after this is not shown. After this 'Papa' violently throws his daughter against the glass door of a cabinet. A bit strange...

And sure enough a Wizard of Oz inspired clip (start 1:34:16) is used in this movie. According to victims of sexual abuse, "pedophiles abuse the movie The Wizard of Oz to brainwash their child sex slaves."

For some reason there are lobsters everywhere in the movie - the main character (Paul) is even wearing a lobster in his/her head dress. According to the Urban dictionary website the term ‘rock lobster’ refers to a male pedophile.

The movie is supposed to be funny but it has a very dark undertone the whole time... My Dutch isn't good enough but I am pretty sure there are more indications of pedophilia in this movie.


Considering this background I think it is a bit alarming that Paul de Leeuw together with his partner was allowed to adopt two children of African descent. At the beginning of the disturbing movie Filmpje! the shady characters talk about ordering kids from Africa...


Paul de Leeuw has been awarded one of the highest recognitions a civil person can receive by the Dutch queen Beatrix (Orde van de Nederlandse Leeuw). Hmm, why does this sound familiar? Didn't Jimmy Savile also receive highest honors (such as being made a Sir) from the queen of England and even a recognition from the pope himself.

It is disturbing that the Netherlands appears to be the leading hub for hosting forbidden audiovisual content:


Many Dutch people have expressed their disapproval of the 1992 TV show video but I have also seen disturbingly many people trying to explain it away by using the following types of arguments:

“It was such a long time ago (28 years ago) and the times were different back then. People thought it was just funny.”

“It was a staged act agreed to by the boy’s parents and the boy knew what was happening.”

“Oh Paul is Paul – he is a comedian and he pushes people’s buttons, his acts shouldn’t be taken literally.”

“Foreigners just don’t understand the unique Dutch humour and culture.”

“Paul is is a famous and talented person, he even received an award from the queen. He is also a very likable guy and he shouldn’t be accused of these kinds of things.”


There is still a huge elephant in the living room here - a video that shows a young boy being sexually molested on public TV in a very obvious and graphic manner (whether the act was staged or not). Taking into consideration the other indications I have described above I am asking the same question that was asked by someone on Quora years ago - why is he still allowed to have his own show on Dutch TV? Is he perhaps protected by some very high level people? Does the Dutch society still stick its head in the sand and pretend that there is nothing to address here!?

I am not trying to somehow witch hunt Paul de Leeuw but I feel it is important to bring this issue into light. Numerous children are being abused around the world – if this issue cannot be discussed in one of the most developed Western societies (the Netherlands) then where are we heading to as a collective humanity...

P.S. Please note the freemasonic checkerboard floor and the two columns in the back. At 1:09 in the video there suddenly appear two giant girl legs (Alice in Wonderland style) upside down behind the stage...

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