27 11 2022 - Melbourne - Part 3 of 4

2 years ago

Dynamic Drummers Drumming as Evil Satanic Criminals On Patrol start walking up the steps again and kettle around one Dynamic Drummer to get this Dynamic Drummer to again be their spokesperson.

Dynamic Drummer does not understand Criminals On Patrol and Criminals are completely dumbfounded and have not got a brain cell to know what to do so they walk down the steps again with their jab jab tail between their legs, and then try to intimidate another living man.
Then once the living man moves on, they get confidence to try and convince a different Dynamic Drummer again to be their spokesperson to the living men and women at the treason house steps. Then they speak to another living man to get him to be their spokesperson.
But once again the living men and women do not understand the Criminals On Patrol and the Evil Criminals again walk down the steps with their jabbed tail between their legs while not knowing what to do to enforce tyranny and illegal criminal ideas of theirs.

Dynamic Drummers continue with their Dynamic Rhythmic Drumming.

Criminals On Patrol have two separate mothers club meeting at the ramp of treason house.

Dynamic Drummers Continue to bless the airwaves of Melbourne as the Criminals On Patrol join the 2 mothers club groups into one.

Criminal On Patrol in Criminal car keeps going back and forth around Spring Street.
Why ? No idea.

Criminals On Patrol walk up to the top of the steps and pass through the Dynamic Drummers and say and do nothing but turn around and walk down the steps.
Nobody knows why on earth or for what reason if any - why the Criminals did that. Baffles the mind.
Maybe that's what being triple jabbed does, causes their brain to completely malfunction.

Criminals On Patrol stand around like complete buffoons not knowing which way is up or north or south or their left hand from their right foot.
Criminals On Patrol are a complete mystery as to what - if anything - is happening within their thing that looks like a head.

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