(911 Calls) Janelle Hornickel and Michael Wamsley | Cases That Have Stuck With Me #2

2 years ago

On Jan. 4, 2005, Janelle Hornickel and her boyfriend, Michael Wamsley, both 20, were on their way back home to Mandalay Apartments in Omaha, Neb., when they became lost and disoriented in a heavy snowstorm.

That night, they made five very strange and confusing 9-1-1 calls asking for help because they couldn’t find their way home.

Around 7:30 that evening, they were pulled over in Geneva, Nebraska because their truck had a missing taillight and they failed to signal. They told the officer they were lost and were looking for Pacific Street, which is in Omaha, over 100 miles away.

The couple didn’t know this at the time. In the 911 call, Michael believed they were three blocks from their apartment.

The officer gave them a warning and later said that he didn't notice anything unusual about their behavior.


https://youtu.be/3UHjASrcPio 20/20 on ID


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