2022-11-27, GESARA SHOW 074 - Sunday

2 years ago

November 27, 2022, The GESARA Show 074
Duration: 2:46:06

Hosts: Peter Walker (Cologne, Germany) and Billy Gilles (in St. Louis).

NEW: Please help us by writing your testimonial about the show on our new website. We are hoping this will provide good feedback and encourage others to watch the show. https://gesara-show.com/reviews.php

NOTE: Sorry for the longer than usual delays releasing these shows. The extra work with the online trainings and improving the new https://gesara-show.com website are using up too much time. Peter is working hard to catch up on releasing episodes.

This is the 74th episode of the GESARA Show where Peter and Billy update you on the latest intel and members of the https://nesara-gesara-qfs.com forum ask their questions or a wide range of topics related to the immanent Global Currency Reset with NESARA (USA), GESARA (Global) and the Quantum Financial System.

We discuss the use of avatars in media and how easily your can be fooled. Will Germany join BRICS and cause the EU to collapse, and we also discuss Elon Musk, the Pi Phone and the Supreme Court case that has the potential to collapse the "current" US government.

0:00:00 Introduction, singing and ABBAtars.
0:05:05 From ABBATars to Avatar Movie.
0:08:05 Why we are showing you this.
0:12:14 Update on Billy's sister.
0:17:08 Germany joining BRICS?
0:17:58 Updates to gesara-show.com
0:24:55 Problem with Apple Laptops. Payment not possible.
0:29:44 Tesla Pi Phone to Qphone
0:31:05 Trump back for Christmas?
0:32:08 Supreme Court case that can collapse the US government
0:34:13 Preparing for the News and Turkey.
0:36:15 GESARA News
1:04:41 Q&A: Pat, Compares News to Simon Parks Podcast
1:12:01 Q&A: Derek, Does not agree with Charlie/Simon on projects. Wilson sold UK to EU.
1:24:58 Q&A: Patricia, Con artist offering to handle Zim projects in Germany.
1:36:26 Q&A: Kirsten, Charlie and Simon in contradiction? Juan O Savin?
1:41:20 Q&A: Robert, Supreme Court law action on election irregularities.
1:46:32 Q&A: Stella, Military over Sydney. US Navel ships. Election.
1:52:04 Q&A: Louisa, Power blackouts?
1:54:58 Q&A: Darren, Bill O'Reily interviews with Trump in Dec. Navy Whaite Hats?
1:59:53 Q&A: Derrek, Courts commiting treason. People awake, but afraid to talk.
2:03:35 Billy schocked! New Zealand
2:04:14 Q&A: Patricia, Vaccine deniers to be put in psychiatric hospitals in BC, Canada.
2:06:47 Q&A: Patricia, Nüremberg Codex and how to use it in German courts. https://www.freiheitdurchwahrheit.com
2:11:19 Q&A: Velma, In Albion, Will "-SA" be accepted instead of "_SA"?
2:13:56 Final thoughts of the day.
2:16:49 Bonus: Simon Parks Podcast
2:46:06 End.


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