Each day the UK moves a bit at a time towards being another USSR

2 years ago

Each day the UK moves a bit at a time towards being another USSR. Each day a bit at a time so you do not notice. A bit like slowly boiling a frog. A few more rights taken from you. A few more bits of power for the state or local council. We no longer even get shocked that local councils can stop you and demand you show them what bags you carry and then demand your details. You will be told it is for your good and your being paranoid to question. Indeed to question probably means your a right wing nut. So accept it folks. And often the ones who do this to you are the left wing who pretend to be about people and peoples rights. It was only a few days ago a Labour mp was saying you should not have the right to post things on Twitter even if what your posting is legal without the state saying it was correct to do so.

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