The Church Fathers (Ep. 4) - Should a Christian pay taxes? What must we give to Caesar?

2 years ago

A different episode today, as Tom is enjoying an overnight family outing in a pleasant market town of Old Wessex. This episode is far less a polemical opinion-piece than a sharing of an 'ancient' (at least by American standards - over 25 years old) newsletter article, written by James B. Jordan - "The Christian and Tax Strikes - Pros and Cons".


The topic in question is one that both Ben and Tom have been discussing of late, and one that is a fundamental brick in the wall of effective and obedient Christian resistance to tyranny. After all, there are two ditches on either side of the narrow road - one of passive and shameful compliance with evil, and the other of prideful, self-centered revolution.

Lord willing, this convicting and thought-provoking piece will provide helpful (though far from exhaustive) clarity on the theology of Christian resistance. May it also offer a signpost to the workings of the personal God in time and history, so that we gladly (and with neither hurry nor worry) submit to His ways and trust in His providence.

May the peace of Christ be upon you,
Ben and Tom (in absentia)


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