US Air Force Shortwave Messages: Can We Decrypt Them? (Part 1 of 3)

2 years ago

This is the first of a three-part video discussing the hypothetical possibility of decrypting US Air Force Emergency Action Messages (USAF EAMs), and the very real possibility of improving the lacklustre documentation of these messages, their format, and overall information about them that is available online. This is informed by the numerous recordings of EAMs that I have made for the #INTERNETFREQUENCYSQUAD video series, which is uploaded to this channel and available on a singular playlist for ease of perusal.

Part 1 of the video is a very broad and surface-level overview of exactly what EAMs are, should the audience happen to have no idea. I'll also discuss the dataset of EAMs I've recorded and used as a basis to discuss observations made regarding EAMs in later parts of the video. The latter discussion includes some caveats (limitations, possible selection bias in sampling imes, etc.) that the audience can keep in mind through all three parts of this video series.

The editing on this video series is going to be frustratingly poor because my laptop is on the absolute verge of death, so concessions have been made in terms of the formatting – that it has been split into parts is a happy occasion for any audience member that needs a break from my unfortunate accent, but is motivated by the fact my laptop cannot render a 40 minute video anymore, and even editing this video has been subject to numerous computer slowdowns, crashes, etc. If you'd like to throw a few dollars at me to help me purchase a new laptop that would be much appreciated, but continued support by liking and subscribing these videos is honestly even more appreciated since it tells me the added frustration is halfway worth it.

#shortwaveradio #osint #INTERNETFREQUENCYSQUAD

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