World Economic Forum - The Greatest Attack in History

2 years ago

Wade Northausen from Billboard Battalion presents "World Economic Forum - The Greatest Attack in History".

This presentation provides a timeline of the event leading up to the COVID-19 program, starting in 1883 with the start of eugenics.

This includes a look at the Nazi's, World War 2, United Nations, Nuremburg Trials, Operation Paperclip, Operation Popeye, Geo-engineering, Cloud Seeding, Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, Event 201, The Great Reset, Climate Change, the Digital Prison system and the 3 pillars of attack which are disease, starvation and the energy crisis.

This is our second presentation, held on 30/11/2022 at Tatura, Victoria, Australia.

Apologies for the video quality, we had some technical difficulties, lighting issues and Facebook kept censoring our live stream feed.

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