Psychopathy: How to remotely diagnose people online.

1 year ago

If you post content online and receive 100 views then statistically you can expect to be seen and potentially then interacted with by roughly:

* One or two violent criminals.
* A couple of rapists.
* A couple of narcissists.
* One person with autism.
* One psychopath.

To compound this, the way in which such people behave is not random.

Psychopaths are far more likely to respond to certain things and engage in ways that normal people would not. Whatever tools they have, be it to reply, like, dislike, report, publish, etc they use these things in a very different way to normal people.

Certain stimuli will nearly always attract psychopaths and their psychopathic responses dependent on the means available to them.

I provide examples of psychopathy and point out some of the behaviours that betray it. I also discuss the critical lack of any consideration of this in the implementation of internet systems where psychopaths can access millions of people in ways that are unjustifiably socially harmfully.

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