Lawrence C Wroblewski I Story - A FormerFedsGroup Interview

2 years ago

Koreen joins us to talk about what happened to her dad in an American Hospital regarding the Covid protocols. "My Dad was taken to the ER by my brother on 22-DEC-2020 after he fell the night before. According to my dad he fell and hurt his left arm (which also had lymphedema). He said he was having a hard time taking care of himself because he is left handed. Banner Desert REFUSED to allow my brother to accompany my dad in the ER.

Once inside he was stripped of his cell phone. We tried calling him several times to check on him then called the hospital. They gave us the run around. The Nurse finally called us about 24 hours after my brother dropped him off. She stated that he had Covid and was 'FIGHTING THEM ON TREATMENT'. Adding that we needed to make a life ending decision if it continued."

Read more about this heartbreaking story and others at

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