Roshi's Recap. Episode #6. MrBallen video reaction. Plus, daily news run.

2 years ago

Thank you for checking out the video. SNIPE that SUB button.

Today we have episode 6 of Roshi's Recap. We do two shows every weekday on my YouTube channel. At 9:30AM and 9:30PM eastern time. I hope to see you there when we are LIVE.

MrBallen is a great YouTuber, who makes great content. He tells strange, dark and mysterious stories. I highly reccomend that you go give his channel a follow. We have a reaction video to one of the hsorter stories on his channel. If you all like this type of content, then I will feature it more on the show.
Thank you again for watching and don't forget to LIKE and SUB to the channel. We are trying to grow our audience over here so that we can start going LIVE with no restrictions.
#mrballen #scarystories #livestream


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